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Shanghai Daily  上海日报

Solar PV power to be China’s main energy source by 2020


CHINA is actively looking to sustainable projects so that it can eventually rely on green energy. Back in 2009, researchers revealed that the country is set to surpass its target of renewable power from solar PV devices by 2020. The target is forecasted to meet “more than fivefold or possibly even tenfold” of the initial goal set for renewable power.


While the target was deemed “impossible” back then, experts are positive that they will be able to meet said sustainable goal in less than four years.


"The goal that we made originally is probably too low," said NDRC(National Development and Reform Commission) assistant director Wang Zhongying. "By 2020, we can reach 10,000 MW or more (maybe 20,000 MW).”

“之前我们设定的目标可能太低了” 国家发改委副所长王中颖说。“截止到2020年,我们能达到10000兆瓦或者更多(可能20000兆瓦)”

Bloomberg 彭博经济

China’s Solar Prices Can Fall 38%, Become Competitive With Coal


Trina Solar CEO says state subsidies could be allowed to drop


Innovation in solar power conversion efficiency drives gains


Declining costs in China’s solar industry could allow the government to reduce prices offered to photovoltaic developers by more than a third by 2020 and see plants powered by the sun become competitive with coal within a decade.


“It’s possible” to allow prices to be cut to 0.5 yuan (U.S. 8 cents) a kilowatt-hour in four years, the world’s biggest panel maker Trina Solar Ltd. said.  This year developers got at least 0.8 yuan a kilowatt-hour for photovoltaic power generated for approved projects. 


China surpassed Germany last year as the nation with the most installed solar-power capacity, in the process making renewable energy more competitive by driving down costs. Solar power in China soared more than seven fold since 2012 as the country sought to boost use of solar panels to cut carbon emissions and boost home home consumption of renewable power.


Reductions in construction costs have already prompted the nation to cut the preferential rates it provided to developers by as much as 11 percent in 2016 from a year earlier. The nation is seeking to cut those rates further to resolve a mismatch between clean-energy surcharges on electricity bills with government subsidies paid out to developers that threatens to derail policies designed to fight climate change.




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