
Photo & Painting Contests on Anniversary 2016!

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We are having Photo and Painting Contests during Anniversary this year!! Show your Photography Talent and Painting Talent! and win good prizes~... Sign up still open till this Sunday! Act fast and submit your photo and painting to Anniversary Table this Sunday along with your registration form~ (if you don't have the form, you can pick it up this Sunday and fill in there.)

我们今年的周年庆也会有摄影和绘画比赛!! 发挥你的摄影和绘画才艺并赢大奖~... 本周日将截止报名!所以赶快准备你的照片和画并和报名表一起于周日交到周年庆柜台~ (如果你没有报名表, 可于周日在周年庆柜台领取并填写)

Date & Time 日期&时间: 5 November (Sat) 11月5日 (星期六) 11:00 – 16:00

Venue: Grand Millennium Hongqiao Hotel 

(2588 West Yanan Rd, Changning Dist)

地点: 上海虹桥千禧海鸥大酒店


Cost 费用: RMB 150/Adult成人; RMB 100/Child孩童 
(Free for kids below 1.0m  1米以下孩童免费

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